In this new documentary series made by South Shore Productions, Zara McDermott: Thailand (w/t) will explore the destination increasingly seen as a rite of passage for young Brits. Starting in bustling Bangkok and travelling to the party islands, with unprecedented access and a lively cast of characters, Zara will take a journey throughout the country to discover why hundreds of thousands of young Brits flock to this exotic location every year. From backpackers to those who are seeking longer term roots – the new documentary will unearth the secrets of this vast and varied country and look into what can happen when the dream of paradise goes wrong.
Zara has previously brought viewers a range of thought provoking and critically acclaimed documentaries on the BBC over the last few years on a host of important topics including revenge porn, sexism and ‘rape culture’ in UK schools and the rise of young people experiencing eating disorders, with the previously announced Zara McDermott: Stalked (w/t) documentary coming soon.